Film Review : Jurassic Park : The Lost World

Film review

Title : Jurassic Park : The Lost World
Genre : Sciece Fiction
Director  : Mr. Stevan Spielberg
Year : 1997
Stars : Dr. Sarah Harding Played By Julliane Moor, Dr. Malcolm Played By Jeff Goldblum, and Roland Tembo Played By Pete Postlethwaite.

Jurassic Park : The Lost World
(background information on the movie you’re going to review)
Good morning to all the fans of science-fiction movies. Welcome back with me, Putri Made Lestari in adventure program. Science fiction review. Do you still remember the story of Jurassic Park I?Great ! I absolutely love Jurassic Parkand all the science fiction movies is always please the fans, including me. The Lost World Is Jurassic Park Part II which is still about an island populated with real dinosaurs. Relased in 1997.
(summary of movie)
The science fiction adventure is the sequel to the box-office hit Jurassic Park(1993), in which a scientist built a dinosaur theme park on remote island. Althought those dinosaur were destroyed, there were still some left on another island. Dr. Sarah Harding played by JullianeMoore And Dr. Malcolm played by Jeff Goldblumtravel to island to observe the dinosaurs and try to prevent Roland Tembo who is played by Pete Postlethwaitefrom rounding the beasts up and taking them to a theme park in the united states. The weather turns bad, the dinosaurs become violent, and one of the angry beasts makes its way to los angeles , California. It is very amazing, isn’t it ?

Okay audience, with me this morning is Mr. steven Spielberg, the director of the Jurassic Park. Good morning and welcome to Indonesia. I’d be glad to have your view on Jurassic Park.
(concluding statement : judgment, opinion or recommendation, it can consist of more than one paragraph)
Steven Spielberg: to be perfectly frank this is not a science, it is science eventually. This movie, however, wants you to learn on thing : you decide you can control nature, and from that moment on you’re in deep trouble, because you can do it. You can make a boat, but you can not make the ocean. You can make aeroplane but you can make the air. Your powers are much less than your dreams and would have your believe.
Evaluation Summation
(final opinion: the appraisal or the punchline of the film being critized)
The reviewer from Indonesia  :Wow, Jurassic Park, really deserves the highest praise. Thanks for joining with Mr. Steven Spielberg and me. See you tomorrow on the same program. Bye.

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